About this Blog

What it's all about!

This blog has been devoted to reviewing the entire series of Donkey Kong Country; A show based off the video game of the same name. It had aired from 1996 to 2000 in many countries, and it has been noted as one of the earliest CGI television shows.

This blog was inspired by other review blogs for shows, such as Full House Reviewed, and As Told By Ginger: Reviewed! Check them out. They're really great.

As for myself, I go under the account name of "Eyecupcakes". I have produced some works here and there, and I currently have a Youtube account showcasing some bits of videos, funny or otherwise.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCROmu3TgOfJ2cpazujsVIkw - eyecupcakes

https://therealfullhousereviewed.wordpress.com/ - A link to Full House: Reviewed

http://atbgreviewed.blogspot.com/ - A link to As Told By Ginger: Reviewed